MERGING Charlotte Mason & Unschooling?!? – will this work???
I recently had the (possibly brilliant) idea to merge the Charlotte Mason method and unschooling for the next school year. Here’s how I’m thinking of doing it . . .

You have decided you want to homeschool but how do you actually start homeschooling? How do you make sure you are homeschooling legally as well as how do you really educate your children? I will be tackling those two questions today. If you have been homeschooling for years but feel like you are stuck in…
Back when I started this homeschool blog I used it more to share peeks inside of our homeschool journey and it’s been awhile since I’ve done that so here we are: here’s a little peek into our homeschool lately. THE DREADED WINTER I first need to admit that this has been a hard winter…
Welcome to the teaching without a curriculum series! Today we are kicking things off by chatting about how my kids learn English Language Arts in our homeschool without a curriculum. Check back next Friday for the next subject in this series! You can see the whole series here. You can…
I know many of you have already started your homeschool year. Here where we live the school system doesn’t start back until the day after Labor Day and while we usually start our homeschool year earlier this year we are delaying until at least the Wednesday after Labor Day. A large part of this delay…
I’m not really the kind of person who likes to put myself in a box (I’m a rebel through and through) BUT I have found it helpful to figure out what homeschool method works best for us. We just finished our fourth year homeschooling and we finally hit our stride in the last few months…
So, I’ve never done one of these but I thought I would show our curriculum plans for grade 6 for the fall. I’m using the term “curriculum” very loosely here. We are very much eclectic homeschoolers, bordering on the unschooling side but this year my daughter is going into grade six and I want to…