HOW TO TEACH KIDS TO READ & tips for struggling readers
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HOW TO TEACH KIDS TO READ & tips for struggling readers

I’ve been asked many times how to teach kids to read, especially since I shared how we teach language arts without a curriculum and I finally got around to making a video about it. I didn’t want to just leave it at how I taught my kids to read, I also wanted to share some…

Having Confidence in Your Homeschool: busting the “do it all” myth and advice from homeschool moms
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Having Confidence in Your Homeschool: busting the “do it all” myth and advice from homeschool moms

If you love the idea of homeschooling but lack the confidence, this video is for you! I am sharing some great tips and advice from other homeschool moms, we’re busting the myth of having to “do it all” and sharing what really matters when it comes to homeschooling.       You can check out…

How to Start Homeschooling: homeschool legally and find a method that works for your family
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How to Start Homeschooling: homeschool legally and find a method that works for your family

You have decided you want to homeschool but how do you actually start homeschooling? How do you make sure you are homeschooling legally as well as how do you really educate your children? I will be tackling those two questions today. If you have been homeschooling for years but feel like you are stuck in…

Where to Start When You Want to Homeschool

Where to Start When You Want to Homeschool

I get a lot of questions about how to start homeschooling, or what a person should do when they have decided to homeschool and I wanted to have a good reference post to be able to send people to: hence this post! If you are contemplating homeschooling or at the beginning of your journey I…

A Summary of 5 Homeschooling Methods

A Summary of 5 Homeschooling Methods

If are around homeschoolers long enough you’ll start hearing terms like classical education, Charlotte Mason and unschooling thrown around and if you are new to the idea of homeschooling all these different methods and what they mean can get confusing. I wanted to take what I see to be the 5 most popular homeschooling methods…