GRADE 5 BOOK LIST – middle grade books I’m recommending my 5th grader read in our homeschool
Here’s a list of books I am recommending to my son who is going into grade 5 to read this next year!

Today I am sharing our homeschool vision plan for 2022! This year it’s all about heartschooling! You can check out my Homeschool Vision Planner here. Â
We really like to read funny picture books in our house. I love being able to read a book and having the kids laughing out loud or giggling beside me. The fact that this is our third list of funny books probably shows that we like funny books. You can view our first list of…
I’ll be honest, Thanksgiving doesn’t get it’s due in our home. First of all, in Canada, Thanksgiving falls on the second Monday of October, personally I think it’s too early in the fall season for the celebration, plus my daughter’s birthday is on the 2nd of October so we are always thinking about that and…
I’ve learned over the past few years the benefit of reading living books and I am making a real effort this year to add as many living books into our days as possible. Composer study and artist study are not something that are generally taught in the regular school system but hang around homeschoolers for a…
There’s been lots of requests for an update on my daughter’s favorite books so that’s what we are doing today! She has always enjoyed fantasy but lately historical fiction has been creeping up as a favorite genre as well. I have all the books she wanted to feature listed below, but be sure to watch…
Every year I like to make a book list for my kids. Not really required reads but highly recommended reads. I am excited about this list for my daughter who will be going into grade six in the fall because I enjoy middle grade books and have read most of them on this list and…