π MAY HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL π even more amazing books!
Guys, I thought April was a good library haul but May may be even better!

I’ve been thinking a lot about living intentionally in the past year and when I was thinking of a name for this blog as soon as I thought ofΒ Intentional Homeschooling I knew it was perfect. WHAT IS INTENTIONAL HOMESCHOOLING? First of all, let’s start with what itΒ doesn’t mean. WHAT IT DOES NOT MEAN To me…
Wow, I can’t believe it’s time for our second homeschool summer plan post! Once again I’m looking forward to having a summer that is a balance of learning and plain old enjoying the summer. When I asked Raeca what she wanted to learn about this summer her one request was to learn about Shakespeare –…
When we made the official decision to homeschool I felt fairly confident about my ability to teach every subject except science (well, I was a little leery about math too, but I already covered that). While science wasn’t necessarily a subject I struggled with in school it was definitely a subject I wasn’t very interested…
When we first started homeschooling I knew right away that I didn’t want to invest my money into a curriculum. I imagine curriculum can be good for some people and families but it just does not mesh with my personality or homeschool goals. Says the woman educated as a teacher, the irony is not lost on…
We’ve been giving this unschooling thing a go for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to share a little about it. Unschooling can be hard thing to learn about because it’s not like unschoolers have this hour-by-hour schedule you can just follow. Unschooling will look different every day and every week and will…
Welcome back to my homeschool interview series! Jessie was the first one to fill out my interview questions so hers is the first interview I’m going to share (mine the one where I interviewed myself, but I don’t know if that legitimately counts . . .). I hope you enjoy getting a little peek into…