Rocks Mini Unit Study Resources & Relaxed Notebooking
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Rocks Mini Unit Study Resources & Relaxed Notebooking

In the last few weeks we have been doing what I’ve dubbed as “relaxed notebooking”, I share more about the concept in my Homeschooling as a Lifestyle Workshop but in essence we have been picking topics each week to do mini unit studies on. This approach works really well with our relaxed, interest-led homeschool style. I thought…

Eight Picture Books For Little Engineers and Builders
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Eight Picture Books For Little Engineers and Builders

If you have a little one in your home that is into building things you’ll love these picture books! I often find myself wondering what my kids will chose to “do” or “be” when they grow up. I’m definitely not going to force them to do anything but I like looking for their strengths and…

7 Books For Studying Oceans & Sea Creatures
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7 Books For Studying Oceans & Sea Creatures

I totally blame it on the show Octonauts but we’ve been on a bit of an underwater kick around here lately. Each week Raeca picks a new animal or two to learn about in science and we’ve had a good stretch of sea creatures; pilot fish, jellyfish and the green sea turtle). The kids have…

Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Science Curriculum
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Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Science Curriculum

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing how I am planning our practically free grade one curriculum. Today I’m on to our science curriculum. You can check out the rest of the series here: Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Math Curriculum Our Free Grade 1 Spanish Curriculum Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Music Curriculum Our (Practically Free) Grade…