My Favorite Books of 2018 & Books I Want to Read in 2019
This year I am going to do something a little different and share my personal book lists over here. Previously I had been sharing them over on my other blog but this year it feels like this is where they should be.
I have always been a reader but now a mother and home educator I feel even more aware of how everything I do is setting some type of example for my kids (whether it is a good or no-so-good action) and being an avid reader is an example I want to set. So far I seem to be doing pretty good with that example!
Today I wanted to share the top books I read in 2018 and then dive into my to read list for 2019.
In 2018 I read 91 books and for this next year I actually want to read less books. Not because I want to read less necessarily but I want to read slower and also read more classics and non-fiction so I set myself a goal of 60 books for this year.
Now, let’s get on to my favorite books of 2018! (Just a note, these are my favorites that I read in 2018, not most of them were not actually published in 2018.)

Unseen: The Gift of Being Hidden in a World That Loves to Be Noticed
I really enjoyed this book, though I don’t think the subtitle accurately describes it, or maybe I just got something else out of it than intended but for me the book was a lot more about finding God in the hidden moments, something I want to get better at doing.

I’d Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life
I read Ann Bogel’s newest book on our flight to Phoenix last month and Jared was laughing beside me as I laughed out loud while reading it. I feel like I have experienced each of the delights and dilemmas she shared about.

Letters to the Church
I enjoy Francis Chan’s speaking and his general approach to the Christian life, this book was a really good refresher.

Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses
My word for last year was gentle and this book opened my eyes to a few areas I needed to work on and it really make a difference in my year.
Corrie Ten Boom: Keeper of the Angels’ Den
Corrie Ten Boom is one of my role models. I love how she was just an ordinary person but had such bravery, I admire all that she did.

Tilly & The Bookwanderers
A book that every book lover will enjoy! Imagine your favorite book characters coming to life and being your friend.
Sherlock Holmes
I read all the Sherlock books this year, most of the for the second time, the short stories still remain my favorite but really, I like all of them.
Wuthering Heights
This was a book I wasn’t really expecting to enjoy and yet I quite did! It’s a great read during the month of October

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
I read (and enjoyed) a few Agatha Christie books this year. This one I read with my classics book club.
The Moving Finger
This was my first of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple books and now I want to read more of them!
And Then There Were None
I never know where Agatha Christie’s books are going, it’s one of the things I love about them!

I Am David
I read this in high school (as a required read) and didn’t really get it, then this year I re-read it after a friend raved about it and I’m glad I did, what a powerful book!
Vienna Prelude
This book taught me so much about the events that lead up to World War II!
The Nightingale
I learned a lot from historical fiction this year! Surprisingly, this one made me think a lot about the Germans who were in the war but didn’t necessarily want to be.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
I put off reading this book for a long time because I knew there would be tears. There were. I highly recommend it.
Number the Stars
I am looking forward to reading this one with the kids down the road, I think it is a really good introduction into WWII for kids.
A Night Divided
This was a fascinating intro to the Berlin wall for me and has made me interested in learning more about it.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy – I’ve read shorter versions of his story but I am excited to read this one, I bought a copy thanks to a gift card I got for Christmas so I’ll read this one soon.
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family – this book was on my to-read list last year and I never got to it, this year is the year!
Notes from the Tilt-a-Whirl: Wide-Eyed Wonder in God’s Spoken – this one was recommended by one of my good friends so I plan on reading it early in the year. I’ve read some of his fiction but I hadn’t realized he wrote non-fiction as well prior to her recommendation.
Because Ephraim is from South Africa we have a connection with that country that can never be broken, I want to read these next two books to learn more about the country he comes from.
Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
Prairie Fires: The American Dreams of Laura Ingalls Wilder – who doesn’t want to know more about Laura Ingalls Wilder and her life?
I Am Hutterite: The Story of a Young Woman’s Journey to Reclaim Her Heritage – this one I am actually reading right now as part of my book club I’m in at my library, it is a very interesting book so far!
Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything
I’ve chosen Elisabeth Elliot as my literary mentor for the year so I want to read as many of her books as possible, starting with these ones:
God’s Guidance: Finding His Will for Your Life
Secure in the Everlasting Arms
Discipline: The Glad Surrender
Be Still My Soul: Reflections on Living the Christian Life
Lord of the Rings – we have been watching the movies and I’ve wanted to read the books forever (I love The Hobbit) so it’s about time I read Lord of the Rings
The Book of Negroes/Someone Knows My Name
Agatha Christie’s books – as many of the ones I haven’t read as I can get in (starting with the ones I own that I haven’t read yet)