Titanic Books and Resources - Intentional Homeschooling
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Titanic Books & Resource Recommendations

The sinking of the Titanic has always been one of those historical events I’ve been fascinated with but I’ve never really paid much attention to the anniversary. This year that’s different. I think it all started with the fact that Jennifer A. Nielsen’s book Iceberg came out in March and it just sparked something in…

Solar System Unit Books - Intentional Homeschooling
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8 Great Space Books we used for our SOLAR SYSTEM unit

The first unit both my kids decided on for this school year was the Solar System Research Unit. Of course, my main go to when doing any kind of research is books. So we pulled out all the books about the solar system that we own and requested a bunch from the library. Today I…

Huge Homeschool Library Haul - a look at the picture books and resources books we've checked out in our homeschool lately
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📚 BIGGEST HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL YET 📚 um, so we got a lot of picture and resources books out . . .

Here’s a look into our most recent homeschool library haul, it’s a huge one! And honestly, I had fully intended to film a flip through of all the books but I got overwhelmed by the sheer number of books here. I think I may have to make these videos a little more frequent if I…

Our Monthly Homeschool Library Haul - lots of fun math and science books!
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We got some great books in our homeschool library haul this month! I may have gone a little overboard requesting all (okay, almost all) the DK Smithsonian books . . . Check out the video to hear my thoughts and get a peek inside the books. I’ll link the books below incase you want to check…

Great Homeschooling and Parenting Books for Homeschool Parents

GREAT HOMESCHOOL BOOKS FOR MOMS 📘 books that will inspire & encourage you in your homeschool journey

Today I have a much requested video: some of my favorite homeschool books for moms. There’s a combination of homeschool and parenting books here, these have all be helpful in our homeschool journey and I hope they will be helpful in yours!       GREAT HOMESCHOOLING & PARENTING BOOKS Seasons of a Mother’s Heart…

Homeschool Library Haul - see inside some great library books
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HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL: some recent favorites, see inside these great books for kids

Once again I have another library haul to share! We’ve been getting some really good books from the library lately and the kids have spent hours pouring over them. These have been some of our favorites.