Unschooling Homeschool Day in the Life - DITL of a Christian Unschooling Family
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Unschooling Day in the Life: take a look into a homeschooling day in the life


I’ve got another homeschooling day in the life for you today!

This DITL was totally impromptu, my kids have been oozing creativity lately and I wanted to capture that.

I think a lot of the creativity has come from our “simple schedule”, making sure they have time to be creative each day (and kind of have to be) has really helped!

We are unschoolers but both of my kids set some goals for the year so they each have a few things they want to get accomplished each day, thus we are currently unschoolers with a checklist.


Unschooling Homeschool Day in the Life - DITL of a Christian Unschooling Family


Unschooling Day in the Life: take a look into a homeschooling day in the life





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