Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Language Arts Curriculum
Over the next few weeks I will be sharing how I am planning our practically free grade one curriculum. Today I’m on to our language arts curriculum.
You can check out the rest of the series here:
- Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Math Curriculum
- Our Free Grade 1 Spanish Curriculum
- Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Music Curriculum
- Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Science Curriculum
- Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 Art Curriculum (coming soon!)
- Our (Practically Free) Grade 1 History Curriculum (coming soon!)
- Also, Our (Practically Free) Preschool Curriculum
- And An Overview of Our Whole Year
If you are looking for ways to save money in your homeschool without skimping on education make sure to come back and check out the other posts in the next few weeks!
Our only expenses for our language arts curriculum have been books, some paper and pencils, there is currently nothing we bought just because we are homeschooling.
Raeca is already reading and just starting into chapter books. My main reading goal is just for her to continue to read and increase her skill. As she continues to read her speed should increase and I’m assuming she will soon learn to read inside her head.
We will be doing a number of read alouds this year as well, tons of picture books (as always) and a number of chapter books. I’m currently gathering a list of chapter books I’d like for us to read/listen to on audio book for this year, that will be Friday’s book list. (UPDATE: here’s our grade one read aloud book list)
For those that are curious on how we taught her to read in the first place, we mainly used Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. You can check out my post, Teach Reading the Simple Way for full details on how we used the book and how we supplemented her reading.
We will also be doing a few in-depth picture book studies throughout the year, starting with Chrysanthemum. With the picture book studies we will work most of our subjects in with the book we are studying and focus on that for a few days or a week.
We are working on printing by using the Handwriting Without Tears Grade 1 book a bit as well as practicing printing through copywork.
We are taking copywork fairly slow and introducing it through notebook a variety of subjects (mainly science, history and geography), in addition she will be copying a verse out each week. As grade 1 progresses the writing will increase as her speed and stamina increase.
Raeca also does a lot of writing on her own time, stories or notes to people, they are pretty cute to read and try to decipher.
Dear Ephraim,
I am really, really sorry.
Do you forgive me? I forgive you.
By Raeca
And that sums up our grade 1 language arts! It will involve a lot of books but be pretty relaxed at the same time.
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