π a huge HOMESCHOOL LIBRARY HAUL π with a forest, autumn theme
We’ve gotten a lot of books out from the library about mushrooms, fungus and forests lately, come look inside our library haul!

I always have fun sharing the books we got out from the library. Here’s a recent stack of books we’ve check out! BOOKS MENTIONED The Great Cake Mystery Case Closed – The Mystery in the Mansion Thirty Days Has September – Cool Ways to Remember Stuff Cool Flexagon Art Jambo Means Hello…
Here’s a wrap up of another reading month. Rae read a TON this month! My non-fiction reading was everything from a very disappointing read to one I loved. WHAT WE READ IN APRIL THE SEVEN YEAR OLD Keeper of the Lost Cities – books 1, 2 & 3! THE TEN YEAR…
Today I’m sharing a double book haul: books I’ve bought recently and some that we’ve gotten out from the library! One place I like to order books for our homeschool from is Book Outlet and you can save $5 off your first order here.
Here’s a look into our most recent homeschool library haul, it’s a huge one! And honestly, I had fully intended to film a flip through of all the books but I got overwhelmed by the sheer number of books here. I think I may have to make these videos a little more frequent if I…
Today I thought I would show you a little library haul! Since our library has a limit of 100 books per card we make good use of our library. I know not everyone has such a great library service so I thought it may be helpful to see inside some of the books we’ve gotten…
Let’s continue our list of kids classics by looking at some great novels for grades 5Β and 6. If you missed it you can check out the other lists: Classic Novels for Kindergarten (ages 4-6) Classic Novels for Grades 1 & 2 Classic Novels for Grades 3 & 4 Classic Novels for Grades 7, 8 &…