CURRICULUM HAUL – for preschool, grade one, six & nine!
I recently ordered some curriculum for the fall from Christian Book, here’s what I all got!

Alright, I’ve been promising to share our Charlotte Mason homemade homeschool schedule/curriculum that I’ve put together for this year and it’s taken me awhile to get it all sorted out but here it finally is! Just a few things to note before we get into it . . . We are not Charlotte Mason purists….
Today is our official start to our first year homeschooling! I have been waiting for this day for about 3 years and I’m kind of nervous that it will all blow up in our faces, I don’t think it will but that fear is definitely there. When I started thinking about what I all wanted…
Here’s a look into our weekly homeschool rhythm as well as the resources and curriculum we use! The Intentional Homeschooling Curriculum will be releasing April 19th!
I thought I would take some time to share here a more detailed list of what we are doing in for grade 1. I’ve got a few weeks to catch up on and then I’ll be sharing these closer to “real time”. I shared a bit of an overview of our homemade grade one curriculum…
Welcome back to what is turning out to be an entire series on Charlotte Mason homeschooling! In case you missed them and want to check out the other posts, here’s where you can find them: What is the Charlotte Mason Method and Why We are Switching to it Resources We are Using in Our Charlotte…
Today I thought I would show you a look into what our homeschool looked like this morning. We are currently alternating between the Flight Research Unit and the Butterflies & Bees Research Unit and alternating within the Butterflies & Bees. So, one day we do Flight then the next is Butterflies, then back to Flight, then Bees, then…